One Rupee George V Note

1. One Rupee 1st issued on 1917.

Sign by

M.M.S Gubbay
A.C.McWatters &

Unc condition Price 25000 to 30000 INR

2. One rupee 2nd issue released in 1940.

Georg V note

Sign by Only 

J.W Kelly

Price 10000 to 15000 INR for UNC condition.


  1. I am having one Rupee George King V one Rupee & 5 rupees note, George King VI 1,2,5,10 rupees notes, George King VI 10 rupees PMG certified note. Across the countries George King V currencies and George King VI currencies. My WhatsApp no 8608339966. If interested please call me or chat with me.
    Hearty Thanks


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